Kate got her picture made with Santa. She was scared to death (who could blame her with a Santa looking like that, he looked half dead!)

Erica and I went for a short trip to New York. We ice skated, saw the Rockettes, went shopping, and toured the city. Click here to catch all the details.
Oh, by the way, did you know that NYC cabs now have TVs in them? You can watch the news, weather, sports updates, and a bunch more. Check it out if you are in town anytime soon!

When we got back we went to Stone Mountain Park for some Christmas fun. Here is Kate watching the Christmas laser show. She danced and clapped along to all of the songs!

Kate wasn't too interested in riding the train around the mountain, but we did get a smile out of her for the picture! No smile for Dad though, guess he wasn't feeling it either!

Wednesday, December 17th was the big day....inducement day that is! We all went to the hospital to wait on Cole's arrival. Mimi and Grandpa walked the halls with Kate.

A little after lunch Kate met her little cousin Cole for the first time as he was being wheeled down to the nursery. I think I heard her say "I love you Cole and can't wait to teach you all kinds of really cool things like how to ride in a wagon and say the word No" in the midst of her gibber- gabber :)
I got to hold him a little while later. Doesn't he look just like me? Well, maybe not, but I love him any ways!
Happy Birthday Cole! We are so excited that you are here and can't wait to start spoiling you rotten! You have a lot of catching up to do to get even with Kate!
The stats: Arrived on 12/17/08 at 11:52 am, 7lbs 11oz, 21 in long. What a beautiful baby boy!
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