Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We're Movin' On Up

Not to the East side but into a toddler bed! In recent days Kate has been trying to climb over the rails of her crib and when she's not trying to escape she's trying to gnaw it away, literally! So I decided to go ahead and convert her crib into a toddler bed. I know it will bring a whole new set of challenges to deal with but at least she will be safer and I won't have to worry about her getting splinters in her intestines :)

P.S. I just laid Kate down and so far, so good. Either she went to sleep like normal or she is playing with her toys REAL quietly, I think I'll go check ;) The morning will be the real test! We'll see! Wish me luck tonight, I hope she doesn't fall out of the bed (that would be sooo sad).

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