Ella and Kate headed straight for the arena floor for the pre-show action. Here they are stopping for a photo opt.

This is Kate trying on her clown nose! That look looks good on you girl :)
Ella, Aidan, and Kate enjoyed watching some sort of jump rope-gymnastics thing.
Kate was definitely getting into it. Here she is saying "Hey, I can do that too!"
The jugglers were impressive!
When we headed back to our seats look what we found...
A clown! Oh, what's that you say? That's not a clown? It's Uncle Earl? You coulda fooled me :)
She's mesmerized!
Yes, those are goats standing on the backs of miniature horses. I must say I was impressed too!
I think the 7 motorcycles in the the steel ball was Aunt Erica's favorite.
During intermission Erica and I were the girls entertainment. As a side note, Erica and I probably have 100, ok maybe not 100, but a lot of pictures in this exact pose. Earl even commented on how it looked exactly like the one he took right before this with a different camera. What can I say? We've perfected the BFF closeup shot.
Kate found Cooper's popcorn while he was gone and decided to help herself.
And the show continues...
I couldn't tell if Cooper's look of concentration was focused on the tigers or the cotton candy but it's cute either way!
A little coke makes everything more interesting.
The rest of the crew.
"Wow, look at that!"
Aren't the elephants cute? I think they were my favorite part.
The final celebration with confetti and all!
We said goodbye to the elephants once again as we left. How did they get outside so fast?
Everyone had a total blast! Thanks Uncle Earl for the tickets. We will never forget all the fun we had.
Aw, I can't believe it's been a year since we took Tripp for his second birthday!! That makes me so sad! Now, I'm planning his third!
I love Kate's new haircut...pick a day you can go to Imagine It. We all want to go together if we can! :)
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