It's been many years since the south side of Atlanta has seen snow like this. J and I think it's the most snow we've seen since the blizzard of 1993. Whatever the case, it most definitely is the most snow Kate has ever seen and she absolutely L.O.V.E.D. it! We made her wait until it had been snowing a couple of hours before taking her out and we were all amazed at how fast it covered everything and how thick and fluffy it was.

Kate immediately wanted to make a snowman. Her class at school has been discussing snowmen for quite some time now and she couldn't wait to put her knowledge to the test. She told Daddy exactly how she wanted everything.

And pitched in when she could.

And if I do say so myself, I think it turned out quite cute. Kate-size and everything.

So after a hour and a half of playing hard out in the snow which included a few snowball fights and a couple of games of you-can't-catch-me after building the snowman we all headed inside to peel off the layers of snow covered clothes.

And warm ourselves by eating some grilled cheese sandwiches and hot soup.

Of course the fun doesn't stop there. The snow lasted through the night and gave us a second day to enjoy.
So, I taught Kate how to make snow angels.

And what a perfect angel she is :)

And she discovered that snow is a lot like the really good ice that you get at Zaxby's. (Eating ice is one of the only things that Kate takes after me, and of course it has to be something that could ruin your teeth and drives her Daddy crazy!)

It has been a wonderful couple of days, days that I will cherish forever!
Now that all of that is said, and we finally got a good snow, could Spring hurry up and come? I'm ready for flip flops :)