Tuesday, September 9, 2008

This Time Last Year...

Ok, maybe not this exact time last year (I'm a little behind in my postings) but close enough, I was at the hospital anticipating the arrival of our precious little girl.

The being sent home twice, having crazy contractions for three days, J telling every janitor and stranger he saw in the hospital hallway that "I" wanted an epidural, and Dr. Nader laughing at J as he dropped my very numb leg after every push was all well worth the wonderful and amazing gift we received in Kate that day.

I remember looking at her in total amazement. Who in their right mind could go through this experience and not believe there is a God? One moment it's J, Dr. Nader, the nurse and I and in the next moment it's J, Dr. Nader, the nurse, myself and this new, perfect, living, breathing, awesome being. I remember thinking that she looked just like J and not believing how heavy she felt the first time I held her!

8 lbs 6 oz, ten fingers, ten toes, and a head full of black curly hair! She had a timid little cry, a fierce appetite, and a whole waiting room (literally) full of friends and family that couldn't wait to take pictures, hold, and love on her.

24 hours and 30 minutes later we were on our way home to begin the journey of parenthood.

Man, where did the year go? Time flies when you're having fun!

1 comment:

Carsons in Augusta, GA said...

Kora,this post brought tears to my eyes as you expressed your joy and awe. I love you, Angelia