Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

First things first, we had to carve our pumpkin. Thanks Aunt Haley for getting all the "guts" out for us!

Here is the final product. Kate was a little weary of the bats but I think it turned out pretty cool!

Then we got dressed up. This year was the perfect year to be angel. She loved to tutu and kept the halo and wings on all night. It really did fit her to a T (is that how the saying really goes or is it suppose to be "tea"instead?)

Kate asked Aunt Haley to dress like an angel too, so she did! Here they are together.

The night wouldn't be complete without sharing it with friends. Here is Kate, Aidan, Ella, and Cooper getting ready to go trick-or-treat. Aren't they cute?
Once we got outside Kate wouldn't leave the wagon. Who could blame her? She was being pulled around in a warm wagon(her favorite toy) outside (her favorite place), getting candy and lots of attention (her favorite things).

We did manage to get her out a few times. Here she is saying "Thanks Aunt Erica for the treat!"

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